okay, well not EVERY day. But we are a dog-friendly company!
Some of us bring our four legged-furry- friends with us from time to time to the office at Charisma.
There's Augey and Miles, Khloe, Molly, and Murphy. (Yet to visit us are Bailey, Roxy, Smokey & Bandit, Koko, Kennedy.....and so many more!)
You never know what sort of inspiration our pets might spark in our creative process of making dolls! Lil' Fireman's partner sure resembles Augey here: http://www.paradisegalleries.com/product.aspx?guid=1c776b81-8757-40ea-9410-722b5b7d3fdf
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Augey tags along to the office with me often and and his enthusiasm for being here along with his wacky antics at times really keeps the stress level down. Perfect protector when I work late. He loves FEDEX but barks at UPS maybe brown isn't his color! (Just make sure you don't leave your lunch on your desk unattended...he can be a swiper and loves cheese!)
You know, the American Humane Society confirms the benefits of Dogs in the workplace:
Facts from the American Humane Association
- Staff morale and worker productivity increased by bringing pets to work
- Increased camaraderie among employees
- Happier employees result in enhanced job performance
- Increase in sales reported by store owners who take their dogs to work
- Dogs can serve as a crime deterrent
"There's something about pets that really brings people together"
Carol Moulton, Director, American Humane Society
I really appreciate that Augey can join me in the office here at Charisma!
Sometimes I wonder who gets more out of it......us or HIM!
BALLOON FETCH! THE Favorite Late Night Break...........

That's it, I am coming to work there!!! Dolls and dogs, who could ask for more.
Do you have any openings? I've been wanting to make a career change.
So that's what Augey looks like. Cute! Now I can place a face to the name in the doll book.