For every doll sold by Charisma during the month of October 2009, a doll will be given to a child in need through the National Toys for Tots Program.
Irvine, California September 15, 2009
Charisma Brands announces its first national Toys For Tots campaign. For every doll sold during the month of October 2009, a doll will be given to a child in need through the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program.
It is the primary goal of Toys for Tots to deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens. Toys For Tots collects new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.
The Charisma program is a nationwide program and the donated dolls will be distributed to Marine Units as directed by Marine Toys for Tots Foundation headquarters in Triangle, Virginia.
The Charisma corporate offices in Irvine, California will also be a drop off location for new unwrapped toys, dolls and cash donations during the months of October, November and December. The dolls and toys collected in the Irvine offices will be delivered to Camp Pendleton, California in late December.
It is the objective of the Toys for Tots Program to help less fortunate children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas; to play an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable resources – our children; to unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign; and to contribute to better communities in the future.
“We believe the Toys For Tots objective closely matches our company vision to contribute to our community locally and strive to be responsible citizens globally” said Peggy Vicioso, Vice President of Marketing and Product Development of Charisma. “We make dolls and are in the business of delivering smiles, what better way to share the joy of a doll than giving one to a child in need. We have seen first hand what a difference a doll can make in a young life.”
To encourage the community involvement the progress of the donations will be documented on the Company’s Blog page throughout the three month campaign. This is the first time Charisma will give a doll to a child in need for every doll sold to consumers on their doll websites at charismabrands.com and paradisegalleries.com OR dolls sold to their exclusive independent doll retailers during the month of October.
If you would like more information or photographs about this topic, or to schedule an interview with CHARISMA BRANDS please visit www.charismabrands.com or call 949-788-8877 or email pvicioso@charismabrands.com