Monday, November 30, 2009
Marie Launches her Lifestyle Collection at local Las Vegas Hallmark store!

Friday, November 20, 2009
Doll collecting can be fun!.. But for some.... Not so much... We're just saying.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sharing a precious memory... (with Marie Osmond Dolls)
Marsha Kay from Watsontown, PA writes:
Dear Marie,
My mother collected your dolls for several years and one of her favorites was the doll in the christening dress. My mother passed away May 17, 2008, from lung cancer; a week later my daughter found out she was pregnant. My beautiful granddaughter was born in February and in October she was baptized. I suggested that my granddaughter wear the doll dress
which fit her perfectly. The ceremony was very special and it seemed like my mothe
r was there in spirit because we used the Marie Osmond doll dress that my mother absolutely loved. I am attaching pictures of my granddaughter.
Out of all the dolls that my mother collected from you, this will be the one that can be passed through the generations with a special and heartfelt story. McKenna will never know her great-grandmother but she can always keep the doll and tell the story of her baptism.
I hope this e-mail gets to you and you enjoy the pictures of McKenna Kay ... born February 18, 2009.
Marsha Kay
Dolls, Dolls and MORE Dolls!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Dream Dolls for the HOLIDAYS!
Marie Osmond's
“Artist Signature Heirloom Collection”
Collectible dream dolls, exquisitely costumed with amazing details and sculpted by some of the most gifted doll artists in the industry. . . truly works of art! And what makes three of them even more special is their signature medallion - inspired, hand crafted and signed by the artist themselves. With “Happy Birthday Sissy” her special signature piece is a signed photo and silver heirloom photo charm.
We couldn't wait for the launch of these dreamy dolls, it's been a secret!
They are true works of art! Each and every artist out did themselves...
Heartfelt and handmade directly to you!!
Bring home a signature heirloom today!
Exclusively Online at
Click Here for all the exciting details
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Not Solving World Peace....However....
So, in what can be considered these "challenging times," I think about the fact that I get to create fun graphics and websites, catalogs and packages for beautiful and whimsical, love-able and huggable dolls... that are delivered to kids and big kids alike.
It made me think of this quote I saw the other day by an executive at Coke.....
“We’re not claiming we’re solving world peace or anything, but offering a little moment of joy in what can be overall difficult days.” An Executive at Coca Cola.
I really identify with what he's saying and thought about it in the context of what we do here at Charisma - making dolls and such..... No, we're not solving world peace. But! I am certain that when the dolls and products we make find their way to you, they provide joy and peace and happiness - some laughter and comfort whenever you might need it. :o)"The essence of Charisma is based on our love of life and the wonderful moments we experience. We are a creative bunch and love that we bring products from our hearts to yours.
If our products make you feel good, then our job is done."
Have a Happy Day!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
In Honor of Veteran's Day...

I enlisted at the tender age of 17 and was medically retired and honorably discharged in 1998 due to a service connected accident while training. (I fell 40 feet, shattering both of my heels). Although I was unable to fulfill my intended retirement plan with the Navy at 20 years, I have held strong, the values and lessons it has taught me.

Did you know that most Americans confuse Veterans Day with Memorial Day?
Veterans Day gives Americans the opportunity to celebrate the bravery and sacrifice of all U.S. veterans. However, most Americans confuse this holiday with Memorial Day.
And unfortunately most Americans do not know why we commemorate Veterans on Nov.11. I feel it's imperative that all Americans know the history of Veterans Day so that we can honor our former service members properly.
Memorial Day honors service members who have died in service to their country or as a result of injuries incurred during battle. Fallen veterans are also remembered on Veterans Day but this day is set aside to thank and honor living veterans who served honorably in the military, both in wartime and/or peacetime.
Did you know? Veterans Day, was formerly known as Armistice Day, and was originally set as a U.S. legal holiday to honor the end of World War I, (which officially took place on November 11, 1918). Legislation was passed in 1938 on November 11 and was "dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be hereafter celebrated and known as 'Armistice Day.'" As such, this new legal holiday honored World War I veterans.
Please take a moment and give thanks to those who have served our country to protect the freedoms we all been blessed with.
God Bless America and those who stand to protect her!
- Chris
Monday, November 9, 2009
Young Collector's at their BEST!
We received a wonderful thank you regarding the Birthday Party in Vegas. It's also so great to know that the efforts Charisma makes means so much to all EVEN the young ones! Check out these young collectors playing, singing and playing dolls some more!
You had asked me to send you a video of the girls playing with them so I've pasted a couple of links below to a couple of videos I put on YouTube. In the first one, they were putting on the Vegas show using the old Donny and Marie dolls and the new Marie's cute if you can get past their singing! ;-)
Emma Kate left you a really sweet message at the end of it about her new fashion doll. The other video is just areally short one of them playing with them in the back yard. I have tons of videos of them on You Tube playing with their dolls...old ones and new ones! We really enjoy your dolls! Again, thanks for the party and the wonderful weekend!
Monday, November 2, 2009
6,000+ Dolls Donated to Toys for Tots!! WOW!!
The "Buy a Doll - GIVE a Doll" Campaign has been a wonderful SUCCESS! We donated 6,000+ Dolls to the TOYS for TOTS Program! THANKS TO EVERYONE THAT BOUGHT A DOLL and MADE THIS EFFORT SO SUCCESSFUL!!
Everyone here in the office pitched in to help in the send off of the dolls!! Toys For Tots collects new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted. (Even our own Augey dog got in the act)
Phase 2 will now begin and the Charisma Offices, located at 9 Goddard, Irvine, CA, will be a Drop Off location for new unwrapped toys and monetary donations during the months of November and December! The dolls and toys collected in Irvine offices will then be delivered to Camp Pendleton, California in late December!!
So if you're in the area, drop off a new doll or a new unwrapped toy and make a child's Holiday EXTRA Special this year!
Team Charisma